Like a Queen đź‘‘
The Ultimate Bundle

Like a Queen is a bundle of my 3 signature processes of breathwork, feminine embodied flow and emotional regulation.

This program will take you from hustling DAILY, being exhausted by 3pm and overthinking every detail of your life âžˇď¸Ź to waking up every day feeling calm, confident in your body and making decisions with EASE (no more pit in your stomach about making a wrong move)... and becoming an unstoppable Queen in 60 days.

In this bundle of Breathe Like A Queen, Move Like a Queen, & Cry Like A Queen you'll get the daily guidance and practices to activate feelings of calm and safety in your body, regulate your nervous system and clear unresolved emotions that feel like bricks of heaviness weighing you down.  


 âś¨ What if you woke up every day feeling like you can take on the WORLD and you channel your inner QUEEEEEEN power AKA bad bitch energy?


 âś¨ What if your first thought every day was “I f*cking LOVE me and today IS going to be MAGIC”?


✨ What if you were able to actually SLOW THE FURK DOWN while still getting all the shit you need to get done, closing your laptop at a respectable time AND start enjoying the life you’re building?

Who is this for?

This is for you if…

âś…  Your life revolves around being productive and your to-do lists (you have lists to manage your to-do lists) and you always think “I don’t have time” so prioritizing yourself always comes last. Slowing down seems IMPOSSIBLE and by 3pm every day you need your third cup of coffee (or a nap) because you’re EXHAUSTED.

âś…  You spend a lot of your day in your head overthinking every single aspect of your life, from what you said yesterday to what you SHOULD eat for lunch and worrying that you made the wrong choice (you stress about how much you’re stressed). Every time you’re on Instagram you fall into the comparison trap, fantasizing about a stranger's life which means that voice in your head goes from mean to worse leaving you feeling down and not good enough.

âś…  You wake up and before your eyes are even open you feel that anxious pit in your stomach. You hate it. You ignore your emotions and use your go-to of scrolling and Netflix to distract yourself but you feel the stress and ball of chaos building in your chest and the pit growing in your stomach.

This is noT for you if…

❌ You expect results without putting in the effort & energy. Doing one practice and saying it doesn’t work is not the vibe.

❌  You’ve already decided that this won’t work for you yet and know you won’t fully commit but then you can prove to yourself that it just didn’t work for you.

What do Queens have in common?

Unshakable Confidence. 

Fierce Power.

Embodied Worthiness.

🔥 That is what LIKE A QUEEN will help you embody and who you'll become.


Raise your hand if this sounds like you!

  • 1 You're a busy woman who is ADDICTED to always doing something. You're always "on," moving at a fast pace and the thought of productivity turns you on... but you can't seem to slow down. Your to-do list and work emails constantly pile up and you have 0 time for yourself.
  • 2 You worry about what other people think about you, filter your life decisions through multiple other people and scrolling through Instagram feels like comparison trap often, making you feel shitty about yourself.
  • 3 Life looks great from the outside but you go to bed every night wishing & dreaming there could be MORE for you...You know internally something needs to shift but you don't know what.
  • 4 You’re a planner, you have everything mapped out and you like control because you have extremely high expectations of yourself and others. You know exactly what you want for your life but you’re not there yet - You're used to guilting and shaming yourself when things don’t go according to plan.
  • 5 When 3 pm hits, you're exhausted... let alone 8pm when you barely have the energy for your 5-step skincare routine, never mind getting intimate with your partner. It doesn't feel exciting like it used to be and the only pleasure you’ll be feeling is when your head finally hits the pillow.
  • 6 It feels like you have a mean girl living in your head who’s always telling you no one cares about you and the 10 reasons why you’ll never succeed. That mean b*tch is keeping you in your comfort zone and you feel daily disappointment that you’re not being courageous enough to go after what you really want!

Imagine if...

  • ➡️ You finally know what it feels like to be living IN your body where you feel an unstoppable level of confidence, no longer second-guess your decisions or battle your inner mean-girl voice.

    🔥 Picture this, it’s 5pm and you’re closing your laptop with a smile on your face, you’re thinking “Dam, who is this b*tch” because you’re operating less like a headless chicken and more like the Queen of ease and flow after having an epic day and you still have energy for yourself in the evening.

  • ​​

    ➡️ You learn how to listen to your body through a slow connective movement practice, tap into your inner wisdom and embody your powerful feminine energy.

    🔥 Picture this, you have a big decision to make and instead of asking three people for their opinion you go to your mat and drop into a flow practice. Within a few minutes, it drops in like BAM “I know exactly what to do and THIS way feels SO good”. By the end of your practice you feel like you’re a glowing goddess and send your partner a spontaneous sexy text as you feel a turn-on of energy and desire for getting intimate tonight.

  • ➡️ You release the suppressed emotions in your body and learn how to regulate your nervous system.

    🔥 Picture this, you wake up feeling calm, clear and excited for your day (no more anxiety), you’re making moves in your work and then suddenly something goes wrong. You feel the fear and anxious ball appearing in your chest so you hit play on your go-to practice to regain control over your body and within 10 minutes you’re back to feeling great (no more spiraling or feeling like an emotional volcano erupted that you need to clean up).

INTRODUCING the ultimate bundle…

Breathe. Move. & Cry Like a Queen.

What’s inside?

  • Breathe Like a Queen: A 30 day feminine breathwork program of 4 x pre-recorded breathwork workshops + 7 short daily breathwork practices based on the theme of the week.
  • Move Like a Queen: A 30-day feminine embodied movement program consisting of 4 pre-recorded workshops and 4 guided femme flow practices based on the theme of the week.
  • Cry Like a Queen: A non-linear program of over 9 practices (breathwork, journaling and somatic release practices between 5-20 minutes) designed to quickly shift you out of a funk and process your emotions, taking control back over how you feel and your energy. Practices like releasing anxiety, processing sadness, beating overwhelm, and releasing anger and sacred rage to feel lighter.
  • BONUS: Access to Spotify playlists to embody different feminine archetypes + journaling prompts to gain deeper self awareness.
hey there

I'm Steph Morris

A few years ago I was living on 5 hours of sleep a night, Uber Eats and  living life based on my to-do list. From the outside it looked like I had it all but on the inside I was exhausted, insecure and felt like something was missing.

Since attending a retreat in Costa Rica, discovering masculine and feminine energies and starting a consistent daily breathwork practice (as well as investing over $100k on mentorship), my life has dramatically changed since then.

đź’­ I remember one day waking up and going straight to my coffee and laptop, that afternoon I felt like I was going to explode with emotions, questioning everything in my life, including my relationship, and feeling so shitty about myself. The next day when I woke up I said “no more, I’m not doing this again” so instead I played a 30-minute guided breathwork and during the practice, I felt like I had a literal download of the 3 exact steps I needed to take in my work. By the afternoon, instead of pushing the button on my Nespresso machine, I went for a long walk where I remember thinking “omg, have I literally discovered secret to life, I’ve never felt more confident”.

✨ Since this day I have been devoted to a daily breathwork practice as well as two other embodiment processes that I SWEAR BY and guide EVERY client through when they start working with me.

🔥 These are the processes you get access to in Like a Queen that have the power to help you dramatically change your own life.

I'm so excited to share this with you! xoxo

Are you ready for this, Queen?

Pay in full

Only $99 USD

Everything you need to wake up every day feeling calm, confident in your body and making decisions with EASE and becoming an unstoppable Queen in 60 days.

  • Breathe Like a Queen (30 day program)
  • Move Like a Queen (30 day program)
  • Cry Like a Queen (Over 9 emotional healing and nervous system regulation practices)
  • Lifetime access (including future updates)
  • VALUE: Over $1,000 USD
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what my clients are saying what my clients are saying what my clients are saying what my clients are saying what my clients are saying what my clients are saying what my clients are saying what my clients are saying

I am LOVING Like a Queen! I love how it has the power to turn my whole day around. I’m so grateful for that!


Amazing as always as I released some teenage stuff which pushed me to be quiet and self-conscious. Feeling so good being who I am now - to express myself and feel empowered in doing this. -


During week 2 I experienced a powerful energy in my upper body during the tr-active breath, like a corsage or energetic rings. During the meditation, I had a revelation because one aspect from childhood appeared in my mind that I thought had not affected me, but I discovered now that, in fact, shaped my adult behavior in many ways. Tri-Active breath is a powerful exercise. Love it. -


Who this is for:

The Hustler

You're a busy woman who’s addicted to productivity. You live in the hustle, do everything ad a fast pace addicted and know you’re disconnected from your body and emotions. You have resistance to slowing down and a fear of not being productive
The Planner

You’re a planner, you have everything mapped out and you like to control to make syre things are done the way you like. You have high expectations of yourself and others. You love a good self-help book junkie, thank you, next is your motto, aka you know you’re not really implementing what you’re learning.
The One Who Wants More

Life looks great from the outside yet you desire MORE (pleasure, sex, intimacy, money & confidence). Your inner voice is a mean girl who keeps you in your comfort zone and you spend a lot of time in your head overthinking.
what my clients are saying what my clients are saying what my clients are saying what my clients are saying what my clients are saying what my clients are saying what my clients are saying what my clients are saying
what my clients are saying what my clients are saying what my clients are saying what my clients are saying what my clients are saying what my clients are saying what my clients are saying what my clients are saying


How will the program be delivered?

Can I purchase these separately?

How long will I have access?